auntie’s got to pack!
9 to 5 worker.
5 to 9 traveller.
around the world
in auntie days
around the world • in auntie days •
We started with a dream to land on all 7 continents before we turned 30.
Now that we’ve done that, we just have to ‘experience’ as many countries as we can.
We mix budget, mid-luxury and luxury travel where we can. We live for our next vacation leave.

Get started with your own travel planning the same way we do.
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We are both healthcare workers who share the passion of planning trips. Give us a long weekend and we’ll fly somewhere and make it special.
It started when we walked around Center Island in Toronto on one of our University-Continuing Education breaks. Both being zero generation immigrants, we saw the value of being flexible nomads. We recommended travel ideas to each other. A year later, we started a relationship (which made it easier to visit places on an intern’s budget together.)
Fast forward to 2025, we have 10 years of marriage, 2 cats, 7 continents and 36 countries (and counting) under our belt. Join us as we see what the rest of the world has to offer!